

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the absentee voting system in Shelby County. Following a lawsuit, v oters can now select a mail-in ballot if they want to avoid polling sites to protect their health . Linda Phillips, the Shelby County Election Commission's administrator, says as a result her team is processing more mail-in ballots than ever . Phillips joins this week’s WKNO-TV Behind the Headlines with host Eric Barnes and Daily Memphian reporter Bill Dries. They talk about the other ways the Election Commission has adapted the voting system during the pandemic . Phillips says voters can expect new safety protocols at polling sites including disposable pens, lots of hand sanitizer and protective plexi glass barriers to keep poll workers and voters separated . Wrapping up , the guest s compare previous years to the upcoming general and presidential elections . http://youtu.be/Oy3Nk3dMRTg

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Sergio Martínez-Beltrán / WPLN News




11 hours ago
Sergio Martínez-Beltrán / WPLN News

The August Primary Election is coming up this week and the Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate are in full attack mode. 

Ads are blanketing TV and social media and high-profile surrogates have been flooding the state to help out Manny Sethi and Bill Hagerty. WPLN’s Sergio Martínez-Beltrán has been on the campaign trail lately and talks about what he's seen.  


Jul 31, 2023
Sergio Martínez-Beltrán / WPLN News

Election officials in Tennessee have now changed their position on who they deem eligible to vote absentee.

The state made its revelation Thursday at a state Supreme Court hearing, after previously resisting expanded mail-in voting.


Jul 30, 2023
Katrina Robinson's Facebook Page

A federal grand jury indicted State Senator Katrina Robinson on Thursday on multiple charges of theft, embezzlement and wire fraud. The indictment comes a day after prosecutors unsealed a criminal complaint accusing Robinson of misusing more than $600,000 in federal grant money on personal spending and other expenses.  

Robinson is a first-term Democrat, elected in 2018 to a district representing large portions of south and southeast Memphis. 


Jul 30, 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the absentee voting system in Shelby County.  Following a lawsuit, voters can now select a mail-in ballot if they want to avoid polling sites to protect their health. Linda Phillips, the Shelby County Election Commission's administrator, says as a result her team is processing more mail-in ballots than ever. 


Phillips joins this week’s WKNO-TV Behind the Headlines with host Eric Barnes and Daily Memphian reporter Bill Dries. They talk about the other ways the Election Commission has adapted the voting system during the pandemic. Phillips says voters can expect new safety protocols at polling sites including disposable pens, lots of hand sanitizer and protective plexiglass barriers to keep poll workers and voters separated.  


宕昌好梯乡:三支突击队助推脱贫攻坚_来稿选登_中国甘肃网:2021-6-12 · 为全面打赢脱贫攻坚战,好梯乡抽调精兵强将组成“拆危治乱突击队”“房屋改造突击队”“档案资料突击队”,由乡党政主要领导担任队长,驻村领导担任副队长,驻村干部、帮扶工作队、村社干部担任队员,锁定工作目标、聚焦突出问题,狠下一条心、拧成一股绳,积极投身脱贫攻坚主战场 ...




Jul 30, 2023

  Watch the Shelby County Joint Task Force briefing on COVID-19, from July 30.

Click here to watch.


Jul 30, 2023
好用的梯子 知乎

宕昌好梯乡:三支突击队助推脱贫攻坚_来稿选登_中国甘肃网:2021-6-12 · 为全面打赢脱贫攻坚战,好梯乡抽调精兵强将组成“拆危治乱突击队”“房屋改造突击队”“档案资料突击队”,由乡党政主要领导担任队长,驻村领导担任副队长,驻村干部、帮扶工作队、村社干部担任队员,锁定工作目标、聚焦突出问题,狠下一条心、拧成一股绳,积极投身脱贫攻坚主战场 ...


Jul 30, 2023
Courtesy of the Shelby County Health Department


Shelby County residents are masking up in greater numbers, at least while shopping in grocery and retail stores, according to a new University of Memphis observational study. But, the findings also show that mask usage is still lagging in some of the city’s busiest social spots.

Special Coverage: Big Tech


  The CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Facebook And Google are testifying before the House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee about the market power of these major online platforms. Watch a live video stream on Wednesday, July 29 at 12:00 PM.

Tennessee Releases Fresh Guidelines To Reopen Schools, Restart Contact Sports

Katie Riordan / WKNO File


python算法day11图词梯_dengjingsheng2132的博客-CSDN博客:2021-2-28 · 词梯问题 伍图的形式描绘出单词间的关系 利用广度优先搜索(BFS)的图算法找到一条从开始单词到目标单词的最短路径 首先解决如何将大量单词组成的集合转变成图,我伊先假设我伊有一个单词列表,其中的单词都一样长,我伊可伍为列表里的每个单词在图中创建一个顶点,而为将这些单词连接 ...

The governor expects most districts will return to in-person instruction in the next few weeks and for contact sports to return.

“I think the decisions to reopen schools are based on the health and safety of children,” Lee told reporters. “I think we’ve outlined the risks associated with children not being in school.”

Health and education officials have worried about child abuse and hunger when kids are out of school.


Jul 29, 2023
宝鸡升降货梯哪家好-机械社区:2021-6-12 · 宝鸡升降货梯哪家好[V0xbV1]宝鸡升降货梯哪家好在雨雪天气作业的电动葫芦是高速移动的安全装置,在经常被雨雪风雪打击的地方,安装有防滑防滑装置。每个防滑块的设置与结构图是相同的,并 …

It’s no secret that aerobic exercise is good for our health, and there is a long list of reasons why.  

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Federal Judge Speaks Out About Deadly Attack On Her Family

52 minutes ago

Federal judge Esther Salas says more must be done to keep judges and their families safe after an attack on her home in New Jersey last month that left her son dead and her husband wounded.

"My son's death cannot be in vain," Salas said in an 靠谱的收费梯子nine-minute video released Monday. "Which is why I'm begging those in power to do something to help my brothers and sisters on the bench."

Postal Changes Threaten Vote-By-Mail Election, Rep. Connolly Says

1 hour ago

Copyright 2023 NPR. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org.

Water~求一个电脑🖥️上好用的梯:2021-5-18 · 姐妹又好用的记得dd我 我怕到时候又忘了这个贴 姐妹又好用的记得dd我 我怕到时候又忘了这个贴 StarryNight OK!我先挨个试试 删除 | 赞 回应 来自 豆瓣App 不搞了 2021-05-17 19:23:03 白熊用起来还可伍,一个号可伍登录两个设备 ...

1 hour ago

Copyright 2023 NPR. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org.

Alabama Budget On Stronger Footing Than Other States During COVID-19

2 hours ago


最近有啥梯子好用NPR nationwide analysis of states' revenue and budgets during the pandemic.

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